StriveTogether Convening
StriveTogether hosts the annual Cradle-to-Career Network convening where leaders and changemakers from across the nation gather to share learning about how to improve economic mobility for youth in their communities.
Check back here for more details when registration information becomes available for the 2025 Cradle to Career Network convening.

StriveTogether 2024 Cradle to Career Network Convening
The 2024 annual convening was held in Salt Lake City in September. Six Promise Partnership team members gave presentations about their recent collective impact work. In addition to presenting about the critical work being done in our schools and communities, Promise Partnership Utah also sent team members to the national StriveTogether convening to attend sessions and network with other Cradle to Career Network partners from across the country.
Learn moreBill Crim Receives Cradle to Career Champion Award
At the 2024 StriveTogether Convening, President and CEO of Utah's Promise and United Way of Salt Lake received the Cradle to Career Champion Award in recognition of his collective impact work. In his acceptance speech, Bill said, “I believe deeply that the work being done by the partnerships represented in this room and led by the people in this room is the most powerful path to an equitable world where every kid in our country can achieve their potential.”