Group 51

Our Donors

Our work is supported by United Way of Salt Lake and many other donors who share the necessary vision and commitment to drive large-scale social change across the Wasatch Front.

A full list of our donors will be shared soon.
988logo WebAarpAloha United Waylogo 750xx600 338 0 31Am Red CrossComcast LogoCommunity Action PartnershipDoordash LogoHmhi LogoIntermountain LogoMedical Home Portal LogoSl CountyTake Care UtahUdc Logo10april2015vectorDhhs Logo HorizontalDhhs Dcfs Logo2Udoh VippDivision Of Emergency ManagementDwslogo LgUnited Way Worldwide Logo.svgUniversity Of Utah2University Of Utah HospitalUtahcommunityaction Logo Stacked1280px Uta LogoUshe LogoUtah Poison ControlVita Logo